Home Page

We are in the business of guiding people to recognize their true potential. We accomplish this with our special education, supported by our different services and products (i.e., designed to produce awareness and insights). We have created a learning environment that allows you to progress at the speed you choose. Our methods and practices will increase your participation and contributions: you will recapture your interest in reading, pondering, and making effective choices. You will learn both new and old things to help you realize your ambitions.

We participate and contribute to small business owners and individuals. What follows are a few examples of conditions present with these two groups. 

You may find yourself in one of these classifications.

Small Business Owners (SBO’s)

You live in a competitive business world where it is increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself and your business from others. You cannot always determine the following route to take (i.e., left, right, or forward). You tend to work much more in your business instead of on your business: these circumstances limit your potential.


A small percentage of people live on purpose, direct their lives by consistently making ethical choices, and participate at high commitment levels with purpose: the rest of the population doesn’t. Surveys of low levels of happiness and satisfaction with people’s jobs, professions, or trades prove the point. If you fall into any of the circumstances mentioned and believe they are not changeable, you too are limiting your potential.

Getting ready to open…

Our Passionate Mission

We aim to change these conditions you are experiencing and have you and your business grow in ways you never thought possible. Like the tulip in the image above, we will help open you to new possibilities and opportunities.



Find out about our us,
our mission and methods, and the results of our decades of experimentation and implementation. We happily pass along what we have learned.


Take Action

Ready to break the mold? You can become engaged in your business at new levels and contribute more to yourself.

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