Personal Disciplines
At Choice Awareness Management, we encourage you to develop personal disciplines for yourself, and we offer you ideas & concepts that we believe will make a difference for you.
Various Interpretations of Discipline
We believe that personal disciplines have the capability to motivate and encourage excellence within individuals.
We believe that creating your disciplines, regardless of what others share, do or think about personal disciplines, will automatically set you for high achievement because they are your creation.
Like this beautiful image, our discipline life can be alive, vital and filled with all kinds of behaviors which serve our On-Purpose life…
We have chosen the word discipline because we mean it to account for all kinds of things for you, such as:
An opportunity to perform worthy actions of great value to ourselves, our stakeholder communities, and our trusted relationships,
Expect the possibility that excellence will remain in our lives daily: that we are guided by it,
Experience our family, play, and work lives merging into fulfilling occurrences where we become the same person regardless of what role we play or where we participate,
Expect our new growth takes on fruitful and expansive meaning because we begin to live everything inside our purpose and our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM).
Sense a renewed zest for life and the beautiful things which come present for us: we realize they have to do with our own beliefs and choice designs,
Participate with greater enthusiasm and
Feel more connected to those we encounter.
While these points made above are starters, we know that you can expand this list with your own unique and practical ideas.
What Do We Mean?
We want you to begin defining personal disciplines for yourself right now.
We want these disciplines to become Sacred and Holy to you. So that you place high-emphasis on them being present in your life - in a similar way that you currently worship your Deity (i.e., your Deity is unique to your own personal and professional way of believing and behaving: it may be God, or a set of God's, a higher-power, an association or group, the universe, your family and friends, etc.).
To help you begin your process (especially if you have little experience with personal disciplines), we will start by sharing some that have worked very effectively for us;
Morning preparation for the day - devotional, prayer and community time,
Sharing your ideas with your trusted relationships,
Writing and exposing your disciplines such that you visualize and remind yourself what they are for you,
Practice exercises that keep you present inside your disciplines so that you are consistently participating with your disciplines,
Day time review of what's occurring inside your disciplines to provide current feedback of your emotions, your behaviors, and the results you are receiving,
Constant connection throughout the day by asking for guidance from your Deity, coupled with close observation and inspection of the people who interact with you and what comes present from them,
Final evening completion, where you thank your Deity and all your daytime connections for delivering what you have received during the day - it will help you express gratitude and humility in your thoughts and sharing with a partner.
The significance of your disciplines' development is intended to have you build your character and your sense of who you are.
(Wisdom Sidebar) The basic outcomes from these practices forward who you are and who you are being. When your ideas, language, and actions all match, you will possess integrity within yourself: people will trust you, connect with and love you - that's how important this can be for you.