
At Choice Awareness Management, we make distinctions among various standard definitions, such as decision vs. choice. You may ask why this would be important for us?  

We say that experiences are essential to both decisions and choices because the real truth of our experiences is that we make them the stories of our lives, and they are ripe with meaning for us.

We have reasoned them over time, filled them with all kinds of ideas, and supporting evidence to the extent that we genuinely believe this is who we are.

Does this sound familiar to you?

When our selections are made with a decision, we say they typically don’t serve us well…

When our selections are made with a decision, we say they typically don’t serve us well…

Well, of course, it does.

(Wisdom Sidebar) By the way, we would have you look at only one or two old decisions to dissect them to realize how we fill these experiences with meaning. We intend to concentrate on building your own new Beliefs and Choices Methodology by spending your time becoming aware of what they deliver you now. You will come to know that truth exists in what you are learning by way of your participation in the things you have created right now for yourself - being present in these moments and not older past experiences that force rote decisions.

Inspection Point

A couple of hints would be helpful in your understanding at this point.  The meaning that we give to these past experiences is not really what occurred - usually not even close.

When you begin to use our Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM), you get to make clear definitions of the things you want to occur in your life: they manifest in your definitions of your beliefs, choices, actions, and results by your clear articulation of them.

You get to understand with high clarity and awareness what happens during the experiences of these beliefs and behaviors: you can monitor and manage what works and what doesn't.

Because of your close inspection and active participation of your own Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM), you live in the moments of your experiences, and the reality of meaning you give is ripe with truth and freshness.

Doesn't that sound like a better answer?

Yes? No? Maybe? 

Distinction of Decision

We say that decisions are about your past experiences with no tie or connection to choices. Our BCM helps you give a complete definition of your beliefs, the belief outcome(s), and the paired choices and actions to be taken to produce the belief outcome. See one of our recent blogs to understand how the BCM works - especially looking at the BCM illustration.

We suggest you look at a decision as a rote selection because it is based almost solely upon the experience and the result from the selection. It repeats itself without any valid or deep meaning, other than what occurred when you decided. Inspect some decisions you typically make daily. For instance, you usually become upset about an incident that occurred in your relationship with your father or mother, which triggers anger and fear because that incident produced those emotions. There is no real belief attached to the decision to think about this or discuss it now, but the feelings remain only because the topic triggers remembrance. This is a classic example of how decisions operate, from the past and rote.

While it may seem in this example that the belief is based upon the circumstances, it really isn't because no belief outcome has been defined, no paired choices and actions have occurred to produce an ambiguous outcome.

To remember how this works, your decision is based upon rote experiences with you operating on auto-pilot.

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