The Discovery of Being Believable
This article discusses the background behind our beliefs and choices methodology and what lead us to this discovery. We explore what occurred with business application implementations and what contributed to success and failure. From failure, confusion reigned, but our ideas emerged about tying beliefs to choices from this condition.
Being Believable is Attainable
Being believable with your word is a state of understanding and of practicing your personal and business beliefs, plus all your associated experiences of them.
We believe this is all about learning how to connect your beliefs to your choices. Our discovery of this connection ignited an underlying desire to explain how these things work.
Background of Image
Being believable creates trust. This image illustrates both states of being unbelievable and believable.
We have come to know each state, given all the circumstances surrounding our lives, especially considering all the roles we play daily. In some cases, we are our roles, and at other times we aren't.
Yet, we strive to attain trust.
Helping People
We focus our attention on assisting people in defining and implementing ways to connect beliefs and choices. And also, to show people how these components can work together to produce startling results, what they can mean to us, and why they can affect us.
This insight and inspiration came about naturally from our work in implementing business systems inside companies and working with all kinds of disciplines and people. After decades of such activities, the sources of particular challenges showed up for us. They gave us a reason for wanting to solve these challenges. And, that opportunity has arisen.
Discovery Challenge History
First of all, we found commonalities between success and failure. Communications were the leading cause of both success and failure and a prime source of much confusion. Choices and their related actions surfaced as a contributing culprit. Beliefs and lack of them emerged as a second bleeding culprit of this confusion. We further observed choices being made consistently without any correlation to beliefs. If beliefs did exist, the beliefs were often not mentioned, described, or related in any purposeful way. Confusion reigned.
State of Confusion
Inside this state of confusion, we perceived that many things get fuzzy and disconnected. Breakdown sometimes occurs slowly and sometimes very quickly. Moreover, when you observe these communications choices, you notice little real awareness or correlation to any articulated belief. Often the relationship between choice and belief is missed entirely.
Also and adding to this confusion is that communications are often both indirect and misleading. Within all these challenging conditions, people begin to question and wonder why and how things should occur. People experience a loss of awareness and understanding, usually also associated with high frustration and stoppage. We noticed this was prevalent in many places and began to call our revealing or discovery of this as "being unbelievable."
In another example of being unbelievable, we observed organizations, businesses, units, and teams most often under articulate fundamentals beliefs. These beliefs are needed to guide their groups. For an example of these guides, we found this includes defining why things exist, the group/team's primary purpose, what represents acceptable behaviors, and what kinds of effective practices need to be in place. Failure occurs more often than success. Not a happy state.
Solving the Confusion - Being Believable with Your Word
Designing a solution to the challenges mentioned above needs to have people be believable with their word. We recommend providing an explanation about the significance of the choices and how our beliefs impact those choices. That was the driving rationale and power behind our Beliefs & Choices Methodology (BCM) development.
Within the world of selecting, our results from our choices are sometimes favorable and sometimes not. When there is little understanding of our choices' belief and connection, the results are almost always unpredictable: we make a distinction between decisions and choices. This unpredictability is unacceptable but changeable with some real effort in making a clear definition of our beliefs.
Also learned is that our beliefs become a starting point with our choosing process as center stage. Followed by coupling designed actions to produce measurable results (i.e., the ending point). We call these evidence-based beliefs. For us, the crux of being believable with your word is delivering designed outcomes. Faith is firmly established in the belief when the result becomes consistent.
Passing Along Wisdom
Being believable with your word is also our main objective: sharing information, knowledge, and wisdom with aspirants. Consequently, our partner's write about their personal and business experiences. Our intention is for individuals to learn with deep insights, the "What," the "Why," and the "How." We write about various themes, topics, and subjects, usually always associated with beliefs and choices. We hope that you will consider many of these shares relevant and timely.
Background of This Website
Our parent company, Benninghofen Company, is the driving force of our Choice Awareness brand. We created this site to provide examples of how you can elevate your own and your company's language and behaviors. The purpose is to bring clarity and focus to your communications and actions to affect your people within and surrounding your business and your relevant stakeholders.
The Primary Purpose is Awareness and Deep Understanding
One of our objectives is to produce a deeper understanding and awareness across distinct groups for the ultimate purpose of increasing the influence, reach and use of your products and services: promoting excellence in all your business activities. These components are all about being believable.
Innovating Ideas
(Special Note)
We created our Original Logo Design in the early 2000s. This image close by is a selected portion of our Flashlight Ideas Logo. We saved the piece of the idea because we love the concept of innovation.
We believe that the development of our unique Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM) solution demonstrates innovation.
Do you agree? Yes? No? Maybe?
Whom we Touch with this Education
We address individuals, small businesses, and corporate teams. These people have responsibility for operations, design and manufacture, technology, marketing, and selling. We concentrate on your business's leadership:
Helping define/refine purpose.
Showing how to impact people's attitudes and behaviors.
Leading how to affect their participation.
Showing how to align practices for increased performance and effectiveness.
We help access, evaluate, facilitate, train, mentor, and implement ways to clarify:
Who your people are,
What they do (practices) and say (language), and the
Underlying beliefs (culture) of themselves, the business, your teams, and your products and related services.
Clarifying involves uncovering who people are really and their beliefs, then analyzing how they speak, their use of language, and, of course, their associated behaviors. Our practices and methods involve observation, design, live experimentation, feedback, and measurements. The result for our customers/clients is that we create new and more effective ways to communicate. The means for them to be, do, and positively interact with others. Thus as a final effect, for producing and effecting increased sales and revenues.
Designing Predictable Outcomes
The Beliefs and Choices Methodology (BCM) primary outcome is to teach people how to create their systemic belief systems. Also, to establish a common language, practices, and basis for people participating and contributing in their own lives, businesses, and careers. Clearly defining your beliefs, choices, and actions will help strike at the very heart of individual responsibility, purpose, and reason for being. It is about producing predictable outcomes. However, a note of caution is necessary.
Overcoming A Normal State of Un-Awareness
People live in their own experiences, conditioned language, and biases. Often, while usually unable to notice themselves and their impact on and upon others.
We assist in discovering and exposing the unfavorable challenges and issues operating in your business. We help by correcting them in ways perceived most favorably by your stakeholders. Our prime objective is to engage all people in being believable in your word by helping in lifting language, behaviors, attitudes, perceptions, and awareness.