Our Contributors

At Choice Awareness Management, many people have influenced the thought process, creation, and development of the services and products designed by us.

Some people have had direct participation, while others have been more passively connected.

How Does One Mark The Influence?

We like the principle of giving credit where it belongs: from the one(s) who originated the idea, thought, concept, or belief that assisted and then led us to the discovery for ourselves.

One could argue that many gifts, if not all, are divinely delivered: we concur wholeheartedly. But, we like to identify the people who were chosen to connect the messages.

We give praise and heartfelt thank-you’s to these wonderful people…

We give praise and heartfelt thank-you’s to these wonderful people…


Regardless of the legacy, we believe the people listed below have contributed in different ways they may not even realize. We call our friends, business associates, and colleagues - any of these beautiful people because they hold a special place in our hearts for who they are and have been to and with us.

  1. Janet Lash, (Partner in Life & Business, Wife, Colleague), Founder & Managing Partner, AVSO Events

  2. Sorin Damian, (Management Consultant and Colleague), President, ADMI Group, Inc.

  3. John Polland, (Colleague), Retired Senior Consultant

  4. David Ballou, Account Manager, Donate

  5. Greg Swanson, President, Swanson Software

  6. Malaga Smith, President, Malaga Corporation

  7. Mike Connor, Creative Director, Catapultworks

  8. Brian Weller, (Consultant, Coach & Mentor), President, Horizon's

  9. Kelly Conway, (Marketing Guru), Founder & General Manager, Strike Marketing

  10. Les Hewitt (One of my Business Coaches, Mentor and Colleague), President, The Power of Focus.

  11. Hank Shier, Consultant

  12. Ray Robinson, Founder, Prodigy Motion Pictures

  13. Tony Delas, Attorney

  14. Cyrus Lendvay, President, Blue Granite Consulting

  15. Tex Johnston (One of my Business Coaches, Mentor and Colleague), semi-retired

  16. Rob Ryan, Co-Founder, Center for Health

  17. Jed Niederer (One of my Business Coaches, Mentor and Colleague), Founder and Managing Partner, Eagles View Consulting 

  18. Germaine Porche' (One of my Business Coaches, Mentor and Colleague), Founder and Managing Partner, Eagles View Consulting 

  19. Hugo Solaris, Founder, and Managing Partner, Dream Artisans, LLC

  20. Jeremy LaDuque, Founder and CEO, Elements Local.

  21. Joanne Justis, Owner, Numbers RU

  22. Authors, All included in the current version of "An American Guide to Success."

  23. Bill Jackson, Photographer, Jackson Arts

  24. Mark Wright, Director of Creative Services

  25. Andrea Casella, Branding & Marketing Solutions, Premium Resource


This section is reserved for development and review teams that have participated at various times. The part is highlighted with specific products we have created: this section is coming soon.


To date, we have received $41,000, all gifted generously by people who support our development activities. The beliefs and faith have been dedicated to these donors.