Hero Model
At Choice Awareness Management, we have a practice of identifying what heroes mean to us and how they affect our lives - we search for those qualities and incorporate them into our own lives - then share them with you.
They become models for us, and we will show you how to create your own models.
Heroes Inspire
How many of you have heroes? How many of you recognize the impact of heroes?
Do you understand why they are essential and how they can affect you? What qualities do they possess, and how can they be used in your daily life to inspire you?
How would you apply them, and would that be a helpful process? How many people do you know that have accomplished this task? Would you believe us if we told you not many?
That is one of the reasons we have created the CAM Inspiration Model™: which can be used to significantly affect toward answering those tough questions above.
You may remember childhood heroes like your parents, teachers, movie stars, historical figures, etc.
Who could not suggest the qualities possessed by an essential Christian child, Jesus Christ, are worthy of implementation in someone's life? The first heroic quality that comes to mind is sacrifice. You can name your own examples, and that is the point – identify them for yourself.
This model is one of the components of the CAM Framework Foundation™ and is intended to be the delivery mechanism of the fuel and energy, metaphorically speaking, to ignite your soul or life force. We are actually using this component for maintaining motion in your life. For this reason alone, this model becomes crucial to your success in staying active, and this will become apparent in short order.
How it Works
This process is typically undertaken in a telephone conversation, webinar, or workshop and is directed by instruction. Examples are provided, complete with answers from some known and traditional heroes.
(Wisdom Sidebar) Our Hero series will be released in video and webinar form soon, probably in the third or fourth quarter of 2022 - check our New Events for upcoming releases...
It matters not whether your heroes are living or dead, real or imaginary, mythical or historical. It matters that you can identify who they are, their qualities, their applicability, and what meaning they hold for you.
The inspirational model, shown close by, is intended you detail the hero you aspire to become.
They could be heroes who have inspired you and/or continue to do so.
This exercise is intended as a healthy process and is not designed to have one fixate on or idolize the hero. But to bring clarity to your heroes so that you can emulate their characteristics and apply the positives to your own life.
Identify Your Hero's
We call this first process "Hero Identity 1," depicted in the first circle, and we ask the questions: 1):" Who are your heroes?"; and 2) "Why are they your heroes?". The answers to these questions usually are very detailed, so we have provided a form to accomplish this exciting task.
It is not an easy exercise because the answers exist in various characteristics you have grown accustomed to and/or you have yet to give much thought to this subject. You can name many more situations; this first process will present your heroes.
Defining the Hero Qualities
In the second process, one defines all the related heroic characteristics: "Hero Qualities - 2, depicted in circle two. We ask questions: 1) "What are the qualities the heroes possess?"; and 2) "How do those qualities affect you and others?". Again, we provide a form to help focus your thinking, classifications and determining the effects. This is the most challenging part of the exercise and requires absolute rigor in capturing those qualities. Examples of qualities include perseverance, brilliance, strength, compassion, etc. Yet, how you apply them to your life is the more difficult part of the exercise.
Can You Apply Them to Your Own Life?
The most important aspect of this learning model is the final process, which we call "Hero Aspirations - 3", depicted in circle three. The last effort involves more questioning: "Where can you apply the heroic characteristics?"; and 2) "When and how can they be implemented to benefit your own life?". This final action set can have an immediate impact on your own life. We provide a form for answering the questions, and the end outcome can be a visual display that you can post in your office or carry with you for easy access.
This is a highlight of the inspirational model, but one can easily perceive how this might be used to continue to inspire you and keep your energies high.
Who do you know that has accomplished this creative task? What percentage of your family, friends, and colleagues have completed this exciting process? From our own casual unscientific review, we believe the numbers represent less than 2% of the population participating in these creative endeavors.