No Dependency

Choice Awareness Management does not desire, wish, design and/or otherwise plan on creating a dependent relationship with you.

Healthy By Design

We have created and designed products and services that assist/help you to create models for yourself that concentrate upon you developing your own designs, ideas, beliefs, choices, actions and results et al., which are healthy, instructive, directive and productive for you.

We expect no harm to come to you or your associates, team members or otherwise, from your creations: only goodness - see our principles for more understanding.

(Wisdom Sidebar) We are guided by the concept of self-sufficiency and self-reliance upon your own beliefs and choices systems, yet we want you to closely couple your belief systems with your continuing connections with your stakeholder communities and fortifying relationships. We want you to query your creations at times as a sanity test for yourself - see Test Drive below).

Remember that our overall intention and design criteria is to deliver products and services that teach personal responsibility and accountability all based upon improving individual choice.

This image graphically depicts that we do not want you to become hooked on or to us: only use us as part of your on-going support team…

This image graphically depicts that we do not want you to become hooked on or to us: only use us as part of your on-going support team…

Our choice pyramid model guides people in building a sustaining reliance upon themselves, their family, intimate friends, colleagues, associates and other fortifying relationships they purposefully perpetuate (i.e. various circles of people).

Choice Awareness methodologies engage the individual in creating their own designs, models, beliefs, choices and actions system to activate and fulfill their current and future goals.

An Important Cautionary Note

We suggest to you that both good and evil exists in our world in plentiful quantities. Consequently, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether people are using proper intentions and actions. We believe that a connection to a higher-power (e.g. God for us) will help you solve many of these dilemma's.

But remember, history is wrought with real stories of evil over taking good - just look at King's David and Solomon for examples of this.

Test Drive Your Ideas

We suggest you test and review your ideas (e.g. your beliefs, choices, actions and designed results) as a sanity check with your community of fortifying relationships before going too far down the road...

Get plentiful relationship feedback, then ponder more closely what you are attempting to do.

Ask Questions about Your Ideas

Regarding your current ideas, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are they worthy?

  2. Do they possess integrity?

  3. Will they harm you or anyone?

  4. What's the over-reaching objective - self centered or sharing?

  5. Do they stand the test of being the right way?

If your answers come back favorable, you are probably on the right track and should feel confident you are doing right.