No Mastery Required
At Choice Awareness Management, we want you to begin to tell others about your experiences that you learned with us - in this way you give away what came to you.
The saying, "You must give it away to keep it," applies here.
Besides, by telling your stories of what happened, you solidify your awareness and understanding of it for you: you naturally begin to realize what worked and what didn't.
No Requirement for Mastery
Most people naturally become hesitant to share something when they believe you must possess some degree of mastery before doing so: you are not flying an airplane or performing in front of an audience in doing this activity.
Our image clearly depicts the difference between beginning and mastery - yet this only requires sharing with someone your experiences…
We invite you to begin sharing what you are experiencing right away - start this activity immediately upon executing your choices and actions and describe the results you attained with one of your trusted relationships: try this on with your accountability partner.
This experience sharing is all about communicating with others: it is about lifting your language and behaviors, promoted by your speaking.
This sharing is about personal disciplines and practices.
Teaching is about asking insightful and compelling questions, then sharing your experience about what occurred for you.
Here are a few declarations and questions which might help kick-start your sharing:
"I would love your feedback on what I am about to share with you, and I request that you think over what you are hearing and provide your best insights after I have told you some things" "I will ask you "What do you think?" when I am ready for your feedback."
"Please help me look for the integrity in my thinking and the related actions I've taken and tell me if you believe there is rightness present?"
"Have you experienced any of these things I'm sharing with you and what occurred for you?".
"Do you think that I have missed anything that would be helpful to learn given these circumstances?".
"What can I do which might help me better understand what is happening here?".
"Given your own experiences, does anything come up for you that would be helpful for me to hear now?".
We know that you can expand this list with your ideas and questions for your education and deep personal awareness.
Moreover, these practices are also about choosing, listening, and committing (e.g., promising) - see our CAM OPA Model to explain the value of these seasoned suggestions.
Does this make sense for you?
We believe this will be helpful, and we encourage you to speak up - beginning right now.