Our Logo
At Choice Awareness Management we participate at different levels with different groups of people: individuals, professionals and businesses.
Brand Logo's in Use
We designed our logo's around a central themes for our various blog articles sites which encompasses many of the things that we do with and for our customers and clients.
Berritt,Inc. (our original corporation) has become Benninghofen Company these days where we concentrate our attention upon belief and choices based educational products, services and consulting - it all ties together.
In addition to our CAM brand, we make use of these other blog websites such as Founder's Experiences for publishing relevant articles.
Please consider the words that have been used with each of our logo's; you will gain a better appreciation for the types of services that we provide.
Our overall objective for our customers and clients is that we teach them to become independent, create affiliate programs when helpful, assist in growing their circles of participation and contributors, while having them call upon us only when they need real assistance.
Great articles with Ways for Small Business to Compete with Edge
Concrete Idea Trusted Talent, Process and Execution
An example article of what it means to be a contrarian.