Do You Know Why You Are Here?
This article asks questions about where you are in the scheme of life and how are you doing about being on purpose. There are references to the misery Index (i.e. how many of you know what that means?). We intend to have you inspect some aspects of your life and determine is you are really doing things you aspire to do and accomplish.
How do you know if you are doing the things you were created and designed to do in your life? Can you know this in your personal and business life?
If you imagine for a moment, the paper clips in the photo represent people – we come in all shapes and colors – some us know our why and what (e.g. the gold clip – can you find it?) which is our main purpose in life.
Shapes & Colors - Can You Find the Gold one?
(Wisdom Sidebar) By the way, not many people really know their purpose. Our own experience suggests this is not happening to a large degree: we venture a guess that most people have some clues but don’t explore it enough to formalize their purpose: we believe unknowing happens in about 90% of the working population. The image for this article is intended to inspire you to pull out your calendar/schedule record a reservation to spend time determining your own purpose.
Questioning How You Think About Your Life
Doesn’t this sound awful that probably only 10% of the people really know why they are here and they are doing something with that knowledge? We have some empirical evidence to support this contention. Take a look at just one such sampling of data, the misery index for starters (e.g. Unemployment coupled with Inflation in the US).
The problem with the Misery Index is that it does not truly represent those out of work because it does not track those people who gave up looking: we believe the misery index would be close to the 1970‘s tracking of 21%.
And, more evidence is amassing by the growing number of psychologists and life coaches trying to fill the gap of lost families units, broken or fading institutions and the general unhappiness, loneliness, and loss of loving relationships – see “The of Rise of the Caring Industry”.
However, look no further than your current employer, the team that you work, your club, or association and you’ll see immediately how many people are truly serving their real purpose. We tend to know this instinctively by the language and behaviors of people – yes?
We bet you can count the purposeful people that you know on one hand. Some of you may use two hands, but it would clearly be the exception to the rule.
Do You Know Your Purpose?
How many of you think you are on track with your purpose? There are many ways to determine this for ourselves: it can be simple but not easy – sometimes.
For yourself, try a new question. Ask yourself “Am I doing most things on purpose?” then measure your answer using our CAM Awareness Scale – 0 to 10. If your number falls below 10, you are not on purpose.
What number came back for you? If you are in the 7 to 9 range, you have more work to do. If you are between 5 to 6 range you may be trying to find your North Star, but if you are less than 5, you are way off course.
This may be your first attempt at gaining awareness about being on purpose. Stay tuned for more about this topic… Please give us some feedback here with what you discovered for yourself?
We invite you to take a look at our founder’s purpose as an example of what’s possible.